Solar Marketing Strategies

5 Solar Marketing Strategies You Need to Know

Solar energy is the efficient energy solution of choice for many today and is only expected to grow in the years to come. Still, many households are reluctant to convert to solar, despite evidence of its efficiency and low cost.

According to the Pew Research Center, at the end of 2019, only six percent of U.S. homeowners said they had installed solar panels on their homes. Forty-six percent were giving it serious consideration.

Clearly, there are a lot of potential solar energy consumers out there. So let’s take a look at ways digital marketing strategies, direct and indirect, can connect them to solar companies.

1. SEO Marketing

Do you know that today, only 49% of small businesses use SEO to improve their online visibility? Eighteen percent have no plans to pursue targeted SEO initiatives like link building, content creation, or keyword research.

Given the data, we would bet that many people interested in buying solar panels and other equipment are not finding nearly all the companies offering these in their local areas. Do those companies even know it, though?

A marketing plan that integrates SEO could help a lot!

2. Content Marketing Strategies

One of the best marketing strategies for solar is content marketing. Why? Because not everyone interested in this new technology feels they have the information needed to commit to purchasing and installing the equipment.

Digital content—from web pages to blog articles to free e-books—can be packed with information. Prospective buyers can learn the fundamentals and even news of the latest innovations in solar energy.

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A curious and informed consumer generally takes longer making decisions but is also a likely buyer.

3. Yard Signs for Marketing?

If you want to buy solar leads for your company, consider yard signs. Realtors and construction contractors have been marketing this way for decades. Be sure to include your website or other contact information.

Neighbors and passers-by interested in solar for their own homes can see the work-in-progress and assess the solar contractor’s work. It’s also a chance to ask the homeowners about the contractor and installation process.

4. Social Media All the Way!

And speaking of word of mouth, do how know how many contractors use social media successfully? And how many of their customers proudly post photos of completed home projects to their pages?

Social media is like neighborhood yard signs—except that no one needs to leave home to see the projects.

5. Video: The Everything Solution

When it comes to solar marketing tips, here’s one not to overlook: create videos! Any company wanting customers nowadays can’t forget video.

Images are plentiful and “in action.” Solar workers can share their own stories and explanations of how the process works.

Videos are also highly recyclable from one marketing channel to another: websites, social media, YouTube, business presentations, etc.

More Solar, Please

We hope these business marketing strategies for solar companies have been helpful to those out there working for them. We also hope they benefit those looking for solar companies in their area.

Are you interested in learning about other home projects? If you are, you’ll find many more informative home-related articles like this one on our site!

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